Sunday, January 28, 2007

First post

First test of the westside cycling blog.


Dougwithdog said...

Looks good but pink?
really Phillis it looks great. keep it up.

Anonymous said...

I passed D Mac today along the HB route and to my surprise he was wearing some colors that were not pink .... HMMMMM . Dave are you afraid of riding alone dressed in pink... especially along mean crime ridden streets of west van ??

Pretty In Pink ;) said...

Well, today was my first ride of the year and I was proud to have my pink unie on riding my fat ass around Squamish. The only people that pay attention are girls under 18, guess the TNA logo goes the distance. Some of you boy's will lke the attention I'd rather have the boy's looking. lolololol

Great web site Phil and thanks to Big T for all the work looking forward to riding in the pink pack very soon!!

Carbon said...

After dropping the boys off yesterday, somebody threw a beer bottle at me, and called me a girl.

Carbon said...

I was driving out to Squamish yesterday and saw what looked like a taliban soldier in a pink costume. I almost crashed.